What our customers are saying...

In the words if my 6 year old god daughter 'they are the best bracelets ever'. Would definitely buy for other children


I ordered this for a play date my 8 year old daughter had today. It came in time and the packaging is lovely. The kids loved making them and only needed my help with the knots. The quality of the string and charms are great and perfect for girls who have grown out of the plastic charm phase. The end result is beautiful and the girls are all wearing them with joy. Can definitely recommend this product.

Amazon Customer

Bought this as a Christmas present for our teenage daughter, loved it and her friends all have personally made friendship bracelets, great gift idea.


My 6 year old daughter really liked this bracelet making kit. She made some for her best friends and one for me. Great value for money when you consider the amount of happiness they gave.

David Whitehead